We know what we can do with a trained body, but what happens when we begin to train our brain?
Standardized Weighted Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography Analysis
All About swLORETA
With swLORETA we are able to determine your brain's absolute power, relative power, coherence, phase lag, and amplitude asymmetry. This means we will determine the amount of brain power being used and if it's too much or too little, what's in charge, or overpowering other vital frequencies. We will be able to determine how well your brain is communicating with itself as well as the balance of the brain and if the signals are arriving on time or delayed.
As a part of the analysis, your swLORETA metrics are compared to a database of age-matched, "neurotypical brains" (i.e. with no reported neurological or psychological impairment). This provides a useful tool to link your challenges / symptoms with neurofunctional abnormalities, producing a more accurate assessment and guide for treatment.
Absolute Power: How much brain power is available?
Absolute power aids in determining whether enough brainpower within a particular frequency range is present during each real time recording session.
Relative Power: Who's in charge here?
The relative power measurement aids in determining whether a particular frequency is overpowering others, or if it's power is too low.
Amplitude Asymmetry: The brain's balancing act.
Asymmetry scores reveal to us which brain waves are balanced. Excessive activity may indicate an over-firing of brain cells. Insufficient activity may suggest brain sells are not firing well enough to maintain proper brain function and both will lead to inefficient brain function.
Coherence: How efficient is my brain's ability to communicate with itself?
Coherence is the measurement of the brain's ability to speak to itself. This measure gives us an indication of how efficiently our brain is working to connect and disconnect different parts of it to accomplish a specific task. Excessive coherence typically results in poor day to day performance. Deficient coherence also will typically have the same result.
Phase Lag: Is the brain's electrical energy moving at optimal speed for optimal performance?
Many of the brain's functions are timed events, the energy from one part of the brain arriving at another at just the right moment to perform a specific task. This measurement is called Phase. Excessive phase means that the signals arrive to early' deficient phase means too late. In either case, the brain is not able to do it's job with peak efficiency.
What We Observe In Detail
These are a few examples of the computer screens during analysis and training. The images of the brain analysis are generated based on each person's individual brain map and training is conducted after this procedure is done. Following a brain map, an appointment is scheduled for the doctor and the patient to discuss the results and decide if training is appropriate. During this appointment you will be able to see an analysis of your brain through many lenses. The analysis is extremely detailed and provides an accurate assessment of your brain function.